Tag Archives: Raspberry Pi

An Oscilloscope with the Raspberry Pi

An Oscilloscope with the Raspberry Pi
Making a full-fledged oscilloscope with a Raspberry Pi or RBPi, the unique low cost SBC, may be beyond the scope of many enthusiasts, but here is a proof-of-concept that RBPi can handle such a project. Although not a very practical oscilloscope, it does provide several oscilloscope-like capabilities. Additionally, all this comes at a very low cost and not much of soldering is involved – impressive incentives for any DIY enthusiast to start on the project.

The oscilloscope project has additional incentives for those seeking to advance their learning curve. Information available in the project and experience gathered during the execution may be reusable for applications involving analog sensing and plotting data onto a screen. It is perfectly possible to project the output onto a larger screen as the output of the oscilloscope is available to view in a web browser. Therefore, this project could also be used to display low-frequency waveforms in an environment that does not have a real oscilloscope. The RBPi oscilloscope is quite responsive and refreshes the display several times a second.

To make the oscilloscope all you need is an RBPi, an XMOS startKIT board and a few wires. The XMOS startKIT is another credit card sized board containing the XMOS multi-cored processor. When compared to other similar processors in the market, the XMOS processor comes with a host of advantages for projects that require real-time operations. This is especially true for data-logging purposes, as the chip also contains a 12-bit ADC or Analog to Digital Converter built into it. Having all this on a single low-cost board makes the whole arrangement very attractive for connecting to the RBPi.

Although a multimeter is a very useful instrument, it cannot show electrical signals varying over time beyond a certain rate. With the RBPi oscilloscope, you can do that see more than what the multimeter tells you. Of course, it is not the intention here to make an oscilloscope with all the features that a professional scope has. However, the project does offer some oscilloscope-like features such as sweep modes, trigger capability and on-screen cursors for trace measurements.

Unlike a regular oscilloscope, the RBPi scope lacks the entire front-end. Therefore, it does not possess a good sample rate, has no front-end filters, is without any AC/DC input capabilities and there are no gain adjustments. In fact, the XMOS Analog Examiner is good enough only to examine simple circuits at low speeds. The XMOS board actually collects analog data and transfers it to the RBPi over the Serial Peripheral Interface or SPI. The RBPi runs a web server and the XAE application using JavaScript and Node.js. Anyone connecting to the XAE application via a web browser can see the data plotted as a graphical curve.

The XMOS processor can run multiple tasks in parallel, thanks to its multiple cores that can execute different codes. The XMOS cores communicate with each other using the concept of channels. Additionally, the XMOS chip also has a 4-channel ADC built in. This ADC can resolve at 12-bits or 4096 points at 1 MSps or a million samples per second. For further details on this oscilloscope, refer to this site.

Raspberry Pi Compatible Multicore Development Board

If you are looking for a low-cost development platform for adding to your low-cost, versatile, credit-card sized, single board computer, the Raspberry Pi or RBPi, a startKIT might be just what you need. With a startKIT attached to your RBPi, you can have real-time Input/Outputs and several communication features including networking and audio, making it an ideal platform for varied applications such as digital audio, networking, motion control and robotics.

This ultra-low-cost development platform for the RBPi is made by XMOS, featuring the configurable multicore micro-controller technology – xCORE. These are an innovative family of devices that you can configure with software for a wide variety of interface and peripheral blocks. Equipped with header connections, startKIT can easily be interfaced to RBPi products. That makes it the ideal real-time IO solution for projects involving the RBPi.

XMOS provides free-to-use design tools along with the startKIT. These xTIMEcomposer design tools offer developers the right interface configurations, allowing them to write application codes quickly, using C/C++, all within a single programming environment. Developers get a full graphical development with the xTIMEcomposer, which includes a compiler, a static time analyzer, a software-based logic analysis tool and a debugger.

The entire board of the startKIT measures just 94x50mm. The kit is based around the xCORE-Analog multicore micro-controller, the XS1-A8-64-DEV. The xCORE runs at 500MIPS and has eight numbers of 32-bit logical processing cores. Along with the multicore micro-controller, the startKIT comes with an array of LEDs, 2 capacitive sense sliders, a push-button switch and a sliceCARD connector. The sliceCARD connector is compatible with several IO slices that XMOS makes available. You can connect the startKIT board to a breadboard system, as it is equipped with suitable header connectors.

For new users to start with the startKIT, XMOS provides several wide-ranging example codes. These include a web-server application, a software-defined Ethernet interface and the basic driver software necessary for operating the on-board LEDs and the push-button. If you want more, you are free to join the XCORE Exchange, a thriving community of users at xCORE; you will have access to a large variety of xCORE code.

The on-chip debug capabilities of the on-board xCORE multicore micro-controller, XS1-A8-64-DEV, allows the developer an in-circuit analysis of the complete design in comprehensive real-time. That makes it easy to see what is happening in real-time at the device interface and in the code – while the system is running – all without affecting the performance. You can also monitor the analog interfaces alongside the digital signals of the startKIT. For example, you can monitor the signals on the capacitive touch-sensors in real-time.

For those who work with applications such as digital audio, networking, motion control and robotics, the eight 32-bit logical cores of the 500MIPS xCORE multicore micro-controller can perform deterministically. Therefore, you can configure the startKIT to match your exact requirements as the software allows you to configure the interface.

The xCORE-Analog A8-DEV is a two-tile device. While Tile-0 handles the integrated debugger and USB PHY, Tile-1 is dedicated to the user-programmable eight logical cores, with its digital IO available on pins. That allows several types of peripherals to be integrated with the startKIT board.

Raspberry Pi Gesture Control

Many smartphones are capable of gesture control, where the phone can sense movement of the owner’s hands near it and respond accordingly. Now you can add the same features to the versatile credit card sized single board computer, the Raspberry Pi or RBPi. The features are provided by the Microchip 3D Gesture Controller, the MGC3130 GestIC and a 3D Touchpad.

The hardware you will need for implementing the gesture control is the MGC3130 Hillstar Development Kit, a 5V, 1.2A power supply with a microUSB connector and an RBPi Model B, preferably V2. Initially, you will need access to a PC for parameterization and for flashing the firmware on the MGC3130. After the flashing is over, the MGC3130 can communicate directly with the RBPi via the GesturePort available of the tiny MGC3130 board on the Hillstar dev kit. The Hillstar board needs signals EIO1, EIO2, EIO3, EIO6 and EIO7, which the RBPi supplies via its GPIO connector.

3D gesture sensing and control applications require capacitive sensing, which the MGC3130 handles aptly. You can either power the Hillstar board from the USB charger, or let the RBPi power it up directly. Once connected, the MGC3130 senses the North-South and East-West hand flicks. The EIOx pins flag the gestures sensed to the RBPi, which then acts on them according to actions already assigned.

The GestIC controller has Aurea, a free graphic shell working around it. Aurea allows parameterization of several planes of different sizes and configuration. These planes make up the capacitive sensing pad and you can calibrate and configure them with good precision. For programming, you will require the Raspbian OS Debian Wheezy – version January 2014, Python – version 2.7.3, RPI.GPIO – version 0.5.4, Tkinter and Leafpad. All the above software are already included in the Raspbian OS. To demonstrate the functioning of the gesture controller, you can use the python code for the game “2048” – 2048_with_Gesture_Port_Demo.py.

The software package for the MGC3130 contains all the relevant system software and its documentation. The package, provided by Microchip, contains the PC software Aurea, the GestIC Library binary file, the GestIC Parameterization files, CDC driver for Windows and the relevant documentation. You can use the Software Development Kit, also from Microchip, for integrating the MGC3130 into a software environment, as it includes a C-reference code for the GestIC API, a precompiled library for the Windows operating system. It also includes a demo application (the game “2048”) that uses the GestIC API interface on the Hillside Development Kit.

The Hillstar Development Kit provides a reference electrode of 95×60 cm for the touchpad. This consists of one Transmit and a set of five Receive electrodes – one each for north, east, south, west and center positions. These electrodes are placed in two different layers. To shield the Transmit electrode from external influences, it has a ground layer just underneath.

The five Receive electrodes include the four frame electrodes and one center electrode. The frame electrode names follow from their cardinal directions, that is, north, east, south and west. The maximum sensing area is defined by the dimensions of the four Receive frame electrodes. The center electrode is positioned to get a similar input signal level as received by the four frame electrodes.

LED Indicator for the Raspberry Pi

Some projects are attempted not because they have any ulterior value, but simply because they are fun to do and involve learning for the uninitiated. The Raspberry Pi or RBPi is a low-cost, compact single board computer platform that came into being for the sole purpose of teaching youngsters how to program computers. However, its popularity has grown beyond its primary mandate. Making an indicator light come up for notifications is a simple fun project, which shows how to set up notifications and how to hook up an LED module to an RBPi.

To start with, for this project you will need a functional RBPi unit with Raspbian installed on it. In case you are new to RBPi, you can catch up with this tutorial on how to get started – it is essential that you have the basics covered before getting on. In addition to the RBPi unit, you will also need an LEDBorg module, available from PiBorg and a clear or frosted case for your RBPi. The clear/frosted case for the RBPi is not an essential item, but it conveniently hides the RBPi card and the LEDBorg module, while allowing the LED light to shine through – this offers protection as well as makes the project look neater.

Strictly speaking, even the LEDBorg is not an essential item to use. You could connect a series resistance to an LED and use the combination instead. Using the LEDBorg only makes it easier for the project as it provides a compact unit that is designed to fit directly on the GPIO pins of your RBPi. If your RBPi is turned on, power it down, open the case and orient the LEDBorg module correctly before plugging it in.

While orienting the LEDBorg module, make sure the logo on the board comes closest to the RCA connector on the RBPi board, while the edge of the LEDBorg is flush with the RBPi board edge. While the case is open, take care to cover the indicator LEDs on the RBPi with opaque tape so as not to confuse the LEDBorg LED with the RBPI power and network indicator LEDs. Once the LEDBorg is plugged in and the extra LEDs are covered, you can close the case and power up the RBPi to move onto the next phase of the project.

Depending on whether your RBPi is a revision 1 or a revision 2, and the kernel version in use, you will have to download the specific software package for the LEDBorg from the PiBorg website. Now open up a terminal on the RBPi to download and install the package. This will give you the GUI wrapper for driving the LEDBorg through your RBPi. To check if the module is functional, pick any color in the demo mode of the software and test it. The only thing that remains now is to use scripts to change our LED into an actual indicator based on notifications.

For example, you may want to turn on the LED if there is rain forecasted in the weather report. Follow this tutorial to link up your LED with the weather forecast. The same tutorial will also tell you how to light up the LED if you have received mail in your Gmail account.

An Introduction to the Raspberry Pi GPIO

gpioThe highly popular, tiny, single board computer, the Raspberry Pi or RBPi has a row of pins along one of its board edges close to the yellow video out socket. These are its general purpose input/output or GPIO pins and one of its very powerful features.

The RBPi needs these pins to interact with the outside world physically. To simplify things, you can think of them as switches that you can control as inputs or that the RBPi can control as outputs. Of the 26 pins available, nine are for power and ground, while the rest of them (seventeen) are the GPIO pins.

You can set up these pins in different ways to interact with the real world and do fantastic things. It is not strictly necessary that the inputs come only from a physical switch. It might be the input from a sensor, a device or even a signal from another computer, for example. You can use the outputs for anything from turning on an LED to sending data or a signal to another device.

For example, if your RBPi is on a network, you can remotely control devices that are attached to it, while those devices can send data back. The RBPi is ideal for connecting to and controlling physical devices over the internet and that is powerful and exciting thing.

Playing around with the GPIO can be safe and fun, provided you follow some rules and instructions. It is very easy to kill an RBPi if you randomly plug wires and power sources into it – therefore the caution. You could also do a lot of damage if you connect things to your RBPi that use up a lot of power. For example, connecting LEDs to your RBPi is fine, but connecting motors are not. For those newly introduced to the RBPi, using a breakout board such as the Pibrella is a safer alternative than to use the GPIO directly.

For using the GPIO as an output, the RBPi replaces the power source and a switch in the external circuit. For instance, when an LED is to be lit up, generally a battery is used as a power source and a resistance is necessary to limit the current flow. A switch offers the means to turn the LED on or off. All these are connected in series for the circuit to operate.

To control the LED from an RBPi, you can safely omit the battery and the switch from the circuit. You can individually turn on or off each output pin of the RBPi. Additionally, when the pin is on or digitally HIGH, it outputs +3.3V and when it is off or digitally LOW, it outputs 0V. The next step involves instructing the RBPi when to turn the pin on and when to turn it off.

GPIO inputs on the RBPi require some more work. The RBPi senses an input signal on a pin based on whether there is adequate voltage present. The voltage presented by a sensor must be within levels specified for the RBPi to sense it as digitally HIGH or digitally LOW. Sensing analog or continually varying signals usually needs another interface called ADC or Analog to Digital Converter.

RemotePi: An Intelligent Infrared Remote Controlled Power Switch for the Raspberry Pi

When you have built a mediacenter system using the tiny single board computer, the Raspberry Pi or the RBPi, there is usually a hand-held infrared remote to manipulate the various controls. However, using the remote to switch off/on the mediacenter system does not switch the RBPi. Adding a RemotePi board lets you switch on/off the power of the RBPi safely with the remote or a push button.
There are two versions of the RemotePi board – one that fits the RBPi Models A+ or B+, and another that fits RBPi Models A or B. Although electrically similar, RBPi Models A+/B+ are different from Models A/B – the mounting holes and connectors are differently placed. Therefore, you must select the RemotePi board to fit your current RBPi model.

Additionally, the RemotePi board comes in two variants. The first has the IR receiver and LED integrated on it, while the second variant sports an external IR receiver and LED connected by a cable. The second variant is useful when you want to mount the RBPi and RemotePi out of sight, leaving only the IR receiver and LED visible for the users.

The RemotePi works by re-routing the power to the RBPi, instead of feeding it directly. On the board, a micro-controller manages the power line to the RBPi. Depending on the command received from the push button on the board or the infrared remote control, the micro-controller switches power on or off for the RBPi.

However, when switching off the power to the RBPi, RemotePi does not cut off the power immediately. Instead, it sends a notification to the RBPi via a signal on its GPIO port. The RBPi monitors this signal on the GPIO port continuously via a script running in the background. Once triggered, the script initiates a clean shutdown of the OS and thereby, prevents data corruption. Once the shutdown is successful, RemotePi then proceeds to cut off the power completely to the RBPi.

When the RemotePi has to switch power to the RBPi from an infrared remote control, you must teach the unit to recognize the type and button preferred. For this, you let the RemotePi enter a learning mode and then point your remote control towards the infrared receiver on the board. Now press the preferred button on the remote you would like to use in future to control power to the RBPi and the RemotePi will remember the button. For using a different remote or button, simply repeat the process.

Another feature of the RemotePi is that you can teach it to use one button to power off the RBPi and use another to switch the power back on. Apart from controlling power, the RemotePi board will forward any received infrared signal to the RBPi. Therefore, you can use the remote control for the mediacenter as well as use LIRC for the RBPi.

RemotePi prevents data corruption on the RBPi with sudden power outages. Additionally, you can reboot the RBPi to clear memory leaks or for automatic updates. It does not occupy a USB port and is totally compatible with the simple GPIO IR receiver.

Control your computers from anywhere with the Raspberry Pi

If you are one of those who often need to use the home computer from a remote location, then you need a Web-based application that can power your home computers up or down. For example, you may have a specific file or folder on your home computer that you urgently want to access but cannot do so because you are in a different location.

Keeping the home computer always powered on is not a great idea, even though it allows remote connections when required. For one, an always-on computer consumes power unnecessarily. Additionally, if there is a crash, there is no way you can get it up running again from your remote location. This is exactly what Martin Peters faced when he devised a hardware-based solution to cut the power down to his home computer and put it back up again when necessary.

What Martin realized that he had to have at least one computer always on and connected to the internet, to be able to control the others from a remote location. He hit upon the cheapest and lowest power consumption computer – the Raspberry Pi or the RBPi. Additionally, this tiny single board computer comes with an Ethernet port and some General Purpose Input Output or GPIO. The Ethernet port allows the RBPi to connect to the Internet and the GPIO allows controlling additional electronic circuitry.

Martin used the GPIO on the RBPi to control electronic circuitry on a circuit board he has custom made, see details here. This allows him to cut the power to his home computer, press its power switch and read the state of its power LED. For doing this, he has designed a web-based user-interface with which he wraps those GPIOs. The user-interface updates in real time and displays logs along with the power LED status.

The C++ widget-oriented web toolkit used by Martin is called Wt. The toolkit handles updates with a very simple method and even provides a native library called wiringPi to handle the GPIOs of the RBPi.

The GPIOs on the RBPi are very sensitive and can easily be damaged if more than 3mA is drawn from them when in output mode. The best solution Martin found was to isolate those using opto-isolators. Since Martin wanted to control many computers from the RBPi, he decided to place all the opto-isolators close to the RBPi and all the switching on the PC side. That meant each PC was to have a PCB and all the circuits could be connected with an Ethernet cable.

Keeping a relay to cut the power to the computer would require an additional 12V power supply to operate the relay. Instead, Martin accessed the green wire on the secondary side of the ATX power supply unit. When the computer’s motherboard wants to wake up, it shorts the green wire to the ground, which signals the ATX PSU to start supplying voltage to its other pins and the entire computer boots up.

Martin used a MOSFET in series with the green wire. He tied the gate pin of the MOSFET to the +5V (violet wire) of the ATX PSU via a 10K resistor. Pulling the gate to ground using an opto-isolator gave Martin complete control of the ATX PSU.

Raspberry Pi Lights up a 64×32 RGB LED Matrix

When you want to make a video wall such as those found on the sides of buses and bus stops in New York, you need a panel with a matrix of LEDs. These are very handy for displaying short video clips or animation. Adafruit has quite a few of them in different matrix sizes such as 8×8, 8×32, 16×24, 32×32 and 64×32. The last one is available in pitches of 3, 4, 5 and 6 mm.

LEDs on the panel are placed close together in a 3 mm pitch, so that you can appreciate it from up close. With the matrix being made of bright RGB LEDs, you have a 160-degree wide-angle view and the panel looks great both in either ambient light and indoors. You can use panels with a larger pitch if you want it to be read from still farther.

In the matrix on the panel there are 2048 gleaming RGB LEDs arranged in a grid of 64×32 in front. The backside of the panel sports a pair of IDC connectors – one of them is for input and the other for output. You can drive the display with a 1:16 scan ratio when the two connectors are chained together. For this, you need 12 numbers of 16-bit latches.

Along with each panel, Adafruit provides an IDC cable, a plug-in power cable, four mounting screws and mini-magnets (for mounting quickly on a magnetic base). You will have to buy the regulated 5V power supply unit separately. The panel consumes about 4A. The panels need 13 digital pins of which 6 bits are required for data and 7 bits for control. That makes the panels perfect for being driven with the tiny, inexpensive, credit card sized SBC, the Raspberry Pi or RBPi.

You cannot drive these displays by FPGAs or any other processors using high speed, as there is no PWM control built into the panel. Instead, you need to refresh the display manually by redrawing the screen repeatedly. For example, for displaying a 4096 color image (12-bits), you will require about 3200 bytes of RAM for buffering and the process will take up about 40% of CPU time. Adafruit provides support with complete wiring diagrams and library code for drawing pixels, circles, rectangles, lines and text.

An RBPi cannot directly drive the RGB LED display matrix directly. The GPIO pins on the RBPi cannot provide the necessary drive. Moreover, signals from the RBPi will have to be level shifted as the panel works off 5V, as compared to the 3.3V for the RBPi. Adafruit has a drive board – the RGB Matrix Hat. This sits on the RBPi and makes it easy for the RBPi to control the RGB matrix for creating a colorful scrolling display.

It is very simple to link up the RGB Matrix HAT with the panel on one side and the RBPi on the other. Plug in the HAT on to the RBPi, plug in the IDC cable and turn on the respective power supplies. Now, run the Python code from Adafruit. The 5V, 4A wall adapter plugs into the HAT, which protects against under, over and negative voltages to the display.

Raspberry Pi accessories from Microstack

If you are looking for accessories for your tiny, credit card sized single board computer, the Raspberry Pi or RBPi, you now have a series of them from the distributer element14. This Microstack range of accessories allows all levels of users to create and prototype physical devices simply and quickly. Most popular among the Microstack accessories are the GPS positioning and accelerometer.

Microstack claims that its modules are the “building blocks for the Internet of Things for All”. The original designers of PiFace Digital and PiFace Control and Display accessories for the RBPi have come together to create Microstack. In fact, building on PiFace, Microstack now offers several types of connected-device possibilities for the RBPi.

Microstack offers a family of stacking accessory boards that a compact and reusable. They offer a common form factor, interface connections and software. All the accessories for the RBPi are built on a platform-specific baseboard called the adapter board.

The GPS module from Microstack is a simple and easy plug-and-play solution. You can use this module for projects requiring GPS positioning for creating geo-location awareness. The GPS module has several worthwhile features. Not only can the module log data in its standalone mode, it allows the RBPi to keep time in a highly accurate and globally synchronized manner. The Microstack GPS module is one of the most complete and advanced modules and it sports an embedded high sensitivity 15×15 mm internal patch antenna with an external socket.

The antenna switching function is automatic as the GPS module has antenna detection feature along with short circuit protection. For better sensitivity, the module has a built-in LNA. The advanced AGPS technology works with an intelligent controller of periodic mode that does not require any external memory. Microstack has provided LOCUS as an innate logger solution that works independently without host and external flash. The GPS module comes with anti-jamming features that sports Multi-tone Active Interference Canceller with 66 acquisition channels and 22 tracking channels. You can combine it with other Microstack add-ons to provide radio links for supporting remote telemetry.

The Accelerometer module from Microstack is also a simple plug-and-play device for the RBPi. It is useful where measuring acceleration is necessary for projects such as tracking and motion, game and tilt sensors and robotics. The module is based on MMA84910, a simple, low power, three-axis low-g accelerometer that offers multi-range 14-bit at +/- 8g resolution.

With a 1.95-3.6 V supply voltage range, the Accelerometer module consumes only 400 nA per Hz, but provides data at ultra-high speeds in about 700µS. Its 14-bit digital output has a sensitivity of 1 mg/LSB with a +/- 8g full-scale range. The Microstack framework compatible accelerometer module has 45° tilt outputs for its three axes and you can link it to your RBPi with the I2C interface.

You can use the Microstack modules as standalone or integrate them into full custom PCBs. Therefore, the modules provide a solution right from prototyping to production. These modules offer powerful building blocks that cut down on the development time with support software and easy installation.

Raspberry Pi Handles Extreme Machines

In general, we know of two types of internal combustion engines used in vehicles – Gasoline and Diesel. The gasoline engine relies on electric sparks for igniting its air-fuel mixture, while the diesel engine relies on heat and compression to do the same. Introduction of new types of renewable fuels such as biodiesel, bioethanol and Hydrogen are leading to newer types of internal combustion engines such as those utilizing HCCI or Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition.

HCCI uses a type of internal combustion mechanism where fuel is mixed with an oxidizer such as air and the mixture is compressed until it ignites on its own. The exothermic reaction thus created by the combustion of the air-fuel mixture releases its chemical energy and transforms it into a sensible form that the engine can use for generating work and heat.

Extreme machines use HCCI as this method combines the characteristics of conventional diesel and gasoline engines. Diesel engines use CI or compression ignition with SC or stratified charge – abbreviated as SCCI. Gasoline engines use SI or spark ignition with HC or homogeneous charge – abbreviated as HCSI.

An HCCI engine injects fuel during its intake stroke. This is similar to what happens in an HCSI engine. However, unlike the HCSI engine using an electric discharge to ignite the mixture, the HCCI engine compresses the mixture to raise its temperature and density, until the entire mixture reacts completely. This is different from the functioning of the SCCI engine.

An SCCI engine also increases the density and temperature during compression. However, the difference is that it injects fuel only after the compression stroke is completed. This leads to combustion occurring at the boundary of the air-fuel mixture, resulting in higher emissions. Since the method allows a leaner and higher compression burn, SCCI engines are more efficient.

Controlling extreme machines such as HCCI requires precision and a physical understanding of the ignition process. With proper control, such as with a microprocessor, HCCI engines can achieve efficiencies typical of diesel engines and emissions such as gasoline engines do.

Adam Vaughan has developed an adaptive algorithm for controlling extreme machines such as those using the homogeneous charge compression ignition His algorithm runs on the tiny, credit card sized single board computer, the Raspberry Pi or RBPi. The algorithm learns and adapts to the HCCI mechanism in real time.

The near-chaotic combustion process in an HCCI engine is hard to predict. Adam’s algorithm requires roughly 240,000 samples per second of data to predict how the engine is likely to behave. This is very close to real-time monitoring – the latency or lag approaches a mere 300µS.

Data sent to the RBPi includes pressure from each cylinder of the engine, the angle of the crank rod and the heat released. RBPi records this data and uses it to control the engine in real time over a CAN or Controller Area Network. With the real-time control provided by his algorithm on the RBPi, Adam is able to improve the efficiency of the engine and reduce its carbon dioxide emissions drastically. Watch RBPi controlling the extreme engine here and you can read about Adam’s algorithm here.