Tag Archives: Computing

Computers Can Beat Humans in Image Recognition

Every day, computers are getting smarter. So far, it is not clear whether the smartness is moving towards something as depicted in the Terminator movies, but computers are beating humans in chess, poker and Jeopardy. The next hurdle that computers have crossed is image recognition. Microsoft claims to have programmed a computer that can beat humans at recognizing images.

Although the final competition is going to be held on December 17, 2015, already there are claims that computers are better than humans are in visual recognition. The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge will do judging for the final competition. The first claim about computers beating humans came from Microsoft. They claimed that while humans made 5.1% errors in recognizing images, computers failed only in 4.94% cases. After 5 days of Microsoft announcing their feat, Google announced that they have bettered the Microsoft claim by 0.04%. That means the competition is getting fiercer every day.

Since 2010, more than 50 institutions take part every year in the competition for image recognition. ImageNet runs this competition and they have hundreds of object categories and several millions of example images. So far, humans have scored the most, but this year a computer is expected to take the crown. Typically, contestants use the latest deep learning algorithms. Derived from different types of artificial neural networks, these deep learning algorithms mimic the way the human brain works to a varying degree.

Although no contestant actually offers their exact code, they provide papers that freely describe their algorithm in great detail – similar to the spirit of open source – explaining the advantages of their algorithm and why it is expected to work so well. As Microsoft explains in their paper, they are using deep CNNs or convolutional neural networks that have 30 weight layers. Google have revealed that they are using batch normalization techniques, and these do not allow neurons to saturate during initialization.

Usually, the conventional way of using neural units involves hand designing them and fixing while training. However, Microsoft has deviated from this path and made the neural units smarter. They have done this by making their form more flexible in nature. According to the principal researcher at the Visual Computing Group of Microsoft Research, Asia, each neural unit undergoes a particular form of end-to-end training that imparts the learning. The introduction of smarter units improves the model considerably.

However, the reason for the ability of current neural networks being able to beat human experts lies in the algorithm of Microsoft’s Deep Learning. This algorithm usually initializes and trains on 1.2 million training images and verifies its learning on 50-thousand validation images. For the final application of its learning, Deep Learning uses 100-thousand test images from the main image database. However, Microsoft did not actually follow this standard route.

As training of very deep neural networks is rather difficult, Microsoft used a robust initialization method. As with other contestants, Microsoft did buy Nvidia’s access to their arrays of graphic processing units. However, they also bought and configured their own supercomputer. They simulated parametric rectified linear neural units and that helped them finally to beat the human experts for image classification.

What are Counterfeit SD Cards?

Many of us use SD or Secure Digital memory cards, but seldom do we check if the total capacity actually matches that specified on the card. According to the Counterfeit Report, several dishonest sellers on Alibaba, Amazon, eBay and other reputed sites offer deep discounts for high capacity cards. They use common serial numbers with cards and packaging nearly identical to the authentic products from all major SD card brands.

According to tests conducted by the Counterfeit Report, although the cards work, buyers usually purchase a card based on the specifications printed on it. What they think and buy as a 32GB SD card, may turn out to be a counterfeit with a capacity of only 7GB. Counterfeiters usually overwrite the real memory capacity, imprinting a false capacity figure to match any model and capacity they prefer. Usually, the actual memory capacity cannot be determined by simply plugging the card into a computer, phone or camera. Only when the phony card reaches its limit, it starts to overwrite files, leading to lost data.

According the Craig Crosby, publisher of the Counterfeit Report, such fake cards also come in capacities that do not exist in any product line and counterfeiters target mostly cards above 32GB. They make a great profit on selling fake cards, with practically no consequence.

Usually, people cannot make out counterfeit cards from real ones, until these stop working. Usually, the blame falls on the manufacturer for making faulty products. This may happen even if you buy from a major retailer, as counterfeiters buy genuine items, only to exchange them unopened with their fakes.

Although software packages are available to test whether the card capacity matches the specifications on its packaging, organizations find it time-consuming, especially if they have bought cards in bulk. Additionally, the problem is not with SD cards alone, counterfeiters make fake portable flash drives including USB sticks as well.

Although the SD Association does make standards and specifications for SD cards to promote their adoption, advancement and use, they do not monitor the trade of products such as SD memory cards. The responsibility of counterfeit SD cards falls in the realm of law enforcement.

Manufacturers of SD memory card products can contract with several SD standards-related organizations for different intellectual property related to SD standards. Additionally, SDA member companies can resort to compliance and testing tools for confirming their products meet the standards and specifications, providing assurance to users about interoperability with other products of similar nature.

Consumers, especially bulk purchasers, should be careful to buy from authorized resellers, distributers and sellers. The best resource for any enquiry is the manufacturer of the SD memory card product.

This malaise is not restricted to counterfeit SD cards alone. It is a part of a larger problem. According to the Counterfeit Report, several other items face the same situation. Phony items exist for iPhones, other smartphones, airbags and many other peripherals such as chargers. It is very difficult for consumers to make out the counterfeits and many are even unaware of the existence of such phony high-end items.

The Emergence of BBB: the BeagleBone Black

Many a time we have wished our bulky PCs that occupy so much of the desktop space could somehow be magically squeezed into a portable unit. Although such systems are there including the new smartphones and tablets, their sky-high prices are very discouraging for most of us.

Despair not, for such a package has arrived and is well within the reach of an average person’s pocket. Moreover, if you are technically oriented, you could build one yourself. Texas Instruments has provided the core processor and BeagleBoard has provided the packaging. The result is the low-cost, low power, fan-less, single-board computer called the BeagleBone, a latest addition to the BeagleBoard family.

The low-cost, fan-less, low power, single-board computers from BeagleBoard utilize the Texas Instruments’ OMAP3530 application processor. This offers laptop like performance and facility for expansion, without the bulk, the noise and the expense that are typical of desktop machines. Within the OMAP3530, there is a 600MHz ARM Cortex-A8 Micro Controller Unit (MCU), which predicts branches with high accuracy and a 256KB L2 cache memory.

The on-board USB 2.0 OTG port serves a dual purpose; you can transfer data out from the board or allow the board to read data in from an external source. Although the board has a separate 5V DC power socket, power to the board can be supplied through the USB port as well. The board also has a mini-A connector, to which you can connect standard PC peripherals using a standard-A to mini-A cable adapter. A DVI-D connector allows a HDMI display to be connected using a HDMI to DVI-D adapter. The third connector is the MMC/SD/SDIO card connector. To give you the best graphics experience, the BeageBoard has a state of the art POWERVR graphics hardware, which will render 10 million polygons each second.

For people who were not satisfied with the power of the BeagleBoard single-board computer, BeagleBoard has added the BeagleBone Black or BBB. This is the newest addition to the BeagleBoard family, and continues the saga of the low-cost, low power, single-board computers. To provide the additional features, an advanced MCU, the Texas Instruments’ Sitara AM3359 has been used. This is an ARM Cortex-A8 32-bit RISC processor, featuring a speed of 1GHz, and gives BBB the power along with a 512-MB DDR3L 400MHz SDRAM and 2GB 8-bit eMMC on-board flash memory. This frees up the micro SD card slot for further expansions.

The 92-pin headers are Cape compatible, meaning the existing family of cape plug-in boards can be used as well. The on-board HDMI allows direct connection to monitors and TVs. External electronics circuitry can be controlled by the UART0 serial port. For connecting to the Internet, a 10/100 RJ45 Ethernet connector has been provided.

You will need the latest Angstrom distribution eMMC flasher to load the latest Linux distribution. This is a 4GB image, that has to be uncompressed using unxz and written to a micro SD card. Connect an HDMI monitor, and after plugging in the micro SD card in the slot of the BBB, you can power on your single-board Linux computer. Take care to hold the boot button on while powering, and watch the LEDs on the BBB flash and then stay on.