The Future of Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing, an efficient method to balance between dealing with voluminous data and keeping costs competitive, is designed to deliver IT services consumable on demand, is scalable as per user need and uses a pay-per-use model. Business houses are progressively veering towards retaining core competencies, and shedding the non-core competencies for on-demand technology, business innovation and savings.

Delivery Options
• Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): Delivers computing hardware like Servers, Network, Storage, etc. Typical features are:
a) Users use resources but have no control of underlying cloud infrastructure
b) Users pay for what they use
c) Flexible scalable infrastructure without extensive pre-planning
• Storage-as-a-Service (SaaS): Provides storage resources as a pay-per-use utility to end users. This can be considered as a type of IaaS and has similar features.
• Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): Provides a comprehensive stack for developers to create Cloud-ready business applications. Its features are:
a) Supports web-service standards
b) Dynamically scalable as per demand
c) Supports multi-tenant environment
• Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Supports business applications of host and delivery type as a service. Common features include:
a) User applications run on cloud infrastructure
b) Accessible by users through web browser
c) Suitable for CRM (Customer Resource Management) applications
d) Supports multi-tenant environment

There are broadly three categories of cloud, namely Private, Hybrid and Public.

Private Cloud
• All components resident within user organization firewalls
• Automated, virtualized infrastructure (servers, network and storage) and delivers services.
• Use of existing infrastructure possible
• Option for management by user or vendor
• Works within the firewalls of the user organization
• Controlled network bandwidth
• User defines and controls data access and security to meet the agreed SLA (Service Level Agreement).

a) Direct, easy and fast end-user access of data
b) Chargeback to concerned user groups while maintaining control over data access and security

Public Cloud
• Easy, quick, affordable data sharing
• Most components reside outside the firewalls of user organization in a multi-tenant infrastructure
• Access of applications and storage by user, either at no cost or on a pay-per-use basis.
• Enables small and medium users who may not find it viable or useful to own Private clouds
• Low SLA
• Doesn’t offer a high level of data security or protection against corruption

Hybrid Cloud
• Leverages advantages of both Private and Public Clouds
• Users benefit from standardized or proprietary technologies and lower costs
• User definable range of services and data to be kept outside his own firewalls
• Smaller user outlay, pay-per-usage model
• Assured returns for cloud provider from a multi-tenant environment, bringing economies of scale
• Better security from high quality SLA’s and a stringent security policy

Future Projections and Driving User Segments

1. Media & entertainment – Enabling direct access to streaming music, video, interactive games, etc., on their devices without building huge infrastructure.
2. Social/collaboration – cloud computing enables more and more utilities on Face book, Linked-In, etc. With user base of nearly one-fifth of the world’s population, this is a major driving application
3. Mobile/location – clouds offering location and mobility through smart phones enable everything from email to business deals and more.
4. Payments – Payments cloud, a rather complex environment involving sellers, buyers, regulatory authorities, etc. is a relatively slow growth area

Overall, Cloud Computing is a potent tool to fulfill business ambitions of users, and with little competition on date, is poised for a bright future.

Is your anti-virus software really effective?

A popular concept floats around stating that anti-virus software simply does not work. Some sections of the press are known to propagate that the software products sold by anti-virus companies are rather ineffective in combating computer virus. Studies also influence these views on the efficacy of anti-virus software, such as the one conducted by a digital security agency in the USA. It infers that the high rate of virus growth on the internet outsmarts the bulk of anti-virus software commercially available. These software products fail to keep track of and provide adequate protection to computers against virus. Consequently, the effectiveness of these products is not commensurate with the cost of such software.

Some leading anti-virus providers have openly discarded these findings on grounds of ridiculously small sample sizes to be statistically correct, and declared the methodology used as inappropriate and unsound. They further consider the validation methodology – of simply examining the digital signatures – as poor and unscientific, not having run the study samples on live PC’s that such anti-virus software were actually supposed to protect.

The process of scanning signatures for malware detection is just one among several recognized methods of identifying the source of virus. Real anti-virus protection involves a lot more than that presumed in the aforementioned study. To be really useful, a complete suite of such methods must work in tandem, and that is the real safeguard against virus.

Consider a case of vehicle security, which could be a combination of an ignition lock, a door lock, gear lock, steering lock, immobilizer and a recent addition of GPS tracker, to name a few. Each of these provides a part of the protection using commercially available tools. The owner must decide the type and quantity of these he wants obtain and what he is willing to pay for them. A lopsided decision may defeat the very purpose of protection. It is like one installing a GPS tracker and an immobilizer in his car. A burglar may break the window glass and happily walk away with the expensive stereo, laptops and other valuables in the car, which the GPS tracker, or immobilizer may not be equipped to sense.

It is rather unjust to make a sweeping statement that anti-virus tools are no good in affording protection, without first deciding the level of security desired and having implemented solutions commensurate with such security. One needs to understand, with expert advice where necessary, the implications of using methods like firewalls, anti-phishing, anti-spam and so on, including what each can protect.

Another analogy to elucidate this concept is the performance of an orchestra, which does not depend solely on the violinist or the pianist, or even the entire range of musicians. Other important factors affect the performance, such as the conductor, the acoustics, the seats, the audience, and so on.

Irrespective of what popular opinion makes it out to be, if one is clear what one desires to protect and uses proper tools, it is very unlikely for one to conclude that anti-virus software serves no useful purpose.

Energy Harvesting – How & Why

What Is Energy Harvesting – Why Is It Needed?

The process of extracting small quantities of energy from one or more natural, inexhaustible sources, accumulation and storage for subsequent use at an affordable cost is called Energy Harvesting. Specially developed electronic devices that enable this task are termed Energy Harvesting Devices.

The world is facing acute energy crisis and global warming, stemming from rapid depletion of the traditional sources of energy such as oil, coal, fossil fuels, etc., which are on the verge of exhaustion. Not only is the global economy nose-diving, but the damage to the environment is also threatening our very existence. Natural calamities like earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, floods, storms, etc., have become the order of the day. Economic growth is generating a spiraling demand for energy, goading us to tap alternative sources of energy on a war footing. Our very existence on the planet Earth is at stake, and we must find immediate solutions to meet the energy needs for survival.

Alternative Energy Sources Available

There are many, almost inexhaustible, sources of energy in nature. In addition, these energy forms are available almost free, if available close to the place where required. Sources include: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, Energy from the waves of the ocean, Bio Energy, Electromagnetic Energy, Chemical Energy, and so on.

Recent Advances in Technology

The sources listed above provide miniscule quantities of energy. The challenge before us is to gather the miniscule amounts and generate meaningful quantities of energy at affordable cost. Until very recently, this has remained an unfulfilled challenge.

Today, research and innovation has resulted in creation of more efficient devices to capture minute amounts of energy from these sources and convert them into electrical energy. Besides, better technology has led to lower power consumption, and hence higher power efficiency. These have been the major propelling factors for better, more efficient energy harvesting techniques, making it a viable solution. These solutions are considered to be more reliable and relatively maintenance free compared to traditional wall sockets, expensive batteries, etc.

Basic Building Blocks of an Energy Harvesting System

An Energy Harvesting System essentially consists of:

a) One or more sources of renewable energy (solar, wind, ocean or other type of energy)
b) An appropriate transducer to capture the energy and to convert it into electrical energy (such as solar cells for use in conjunction with solar power, a windmill for wind power, a turbine for hydro power, etc.)
c) An energy harvesting module to accumulate, store and control electrical power
d) A means of conveying the power to the user application (such as a transmission line)
e) The user application that consumes the power

With advancement in technology, various interface modules are commercially available at affordable prices. Combined with the enhanced awareness of the efficacy of Energy Harvesting, more and more applications and utilities are progressively using alternative sources of energy, which is a definite sign of progress to effectively deal with the global energy crisis.

Optional addition of power conditioning systems like voltage boosters, etc., can enhance the applications, but one must remember that such devices also consume power, which again brings down the efficiency and adds to cost.

Demystifying the A/D and D/A Converters

Analog and Digital Signals

Analog signals represent a physical parameter in the form of a continuous signal. In contrast, digital signals are discrete time signals formed by digital modulation. Most natural signals, like human voice and other sounds are analog in nature. Traditionally, communication systems were based on analog systems.

As demand for systems capable of carrying more information over longer distances kept soaring, the drawbacks of analog communication systems became increasingly evident. Efforts to improve the performance and throughput of systems saw the evolution of digital systems, which far surpasses the performance of analog systems, and offer features that were considered impossible earlier. Some major advantages of digital systems over analog are:

• Optical fibers can transmit digital signals and have virtually infinite information bearing capacity
• Combining multiple input signals over same channel is possible by multiplexing
• Digital signals can be encrypted and hence are more secure
• Better noise immunity leads to superior performance due to regeneration
• Much higher flexibility and ease of configuration

On the other hand, disadvantages include:

• Higher bandwidth required to transmit the same information
• Accurate synchronization required between transmitter and receiver for error free communication

Primary signals like human voice, natural sounds and pictures, etc., are all inherently analog. However, most signal processing and transmission systems are progressively becoming digital. Therefore, there is an obvious need for conversion of analog signals to digital. This facilitates processing and transmission, and reverse transition from digital to analog, since the digital signals will not be intelligible to human receivers or gadgets like a pen recorder. This need led to the evolution of Analog to Digital (A/D) Converters for encoding at the transmitting end and Digital to Analog (D/A) Converters at the receiving end for decoding.

Principle of Working of A/D and D/A Converters

An A/D converter senses the analog input signal at regular intervals and generates a corresponding binary bit stream as a combination of 0’s and 1’s. This data stream is then processed by the digital system until it is ready to be regenerated at the receiver’s location. The sampling rate has to be at least twice the highest frequency of the input signal so that the received signal is a near perfect replica of the input.

In contrast, a D/A Converter receives the bit stream and regenerates the signal by plotting the sampled values to obtain the input signal at the receiving end. The simplest way to achieve this is by using a variable resistor network, which converts each digital level into an equivalent binary weighted voltage (or current). However, if the recipient is a computer or other device capable of handling a digital signal directly, processing by D/A Converters is not necessary.

Two of the most important parameters of A/D and D/A Converters are Accuracy and Resolution. Accuracy reflects how closely the actual output signal resembles the theoretical output voltage. Resolution is the smallest increment in the input signal the system can sense and respond to. Higher resolution requires more bits and is more complicated and expensive, apart from being slower.

Measuring Temperature Remotely

How to Measure Temperature Remotely

In hostile atmospheres like toxic zones, very high temperature areas or remote locations, where objects are not amenable to direct temperature measurements, remote measurement techniques are deployed. In such applications, remote temperature measuring techniques are resorted to, and devices used include Infrared or Laser Thermometers as described below.

Infrared Thermometers or Laser Thermometers

These devices sense the thermal radiation, also called Blackbody Radiation, emitted by all bodies, and the emission depends on the physical temperature of the object whose temperature is to be sensed. Laser Thermometers, Non-contact Thermometers or Temperature Guns are names of variants that use lasers to direct the thermometer towards the object.

In these devices, a lens helps the thermal energy converge onto a detector, which in turn, generates an electrical signal, and drives a display after temperature compensation. The devices produce fairly accurate results and have a fast response, unlike direct temperature sensing, which is difficult, slow to respond to or not accurate enough. Induction heating, firefighting applications, cloud detection, monitoring of ovens or heaters are some typical examples of remote measurement of temperature. Other examples from the industry include hot chambers for equipment calibration and control, monitoring of manufacturing processes, and so on.

These devices are commercially available in a wide range of configurations, such as those designed for use in fixed locations, portable or handheld applications. The specifications, among others, mention the range of temperatures that the specific design is intended for, together with the level of accuracy (say, measurement uncertainty of ± 2°C).

For such devices, the most important specification is the DISTANCE-TO-SPOT RATIO (D:S) where D is the object’s distance from the device, and S denotes the diameter of the area whose temperature is to be measured. This implies that a measurement by the device concerned provides the average temperature over an area having a diameter S with the object placed at a distance D away from the device.

Some thermometers are available with a settable emissivity to adapt to the type of surface whose temperature is being measured. These sensors can thus be used for measuring the temperature of shiny as well as dull surfaces. Even thermometers without settable emissivity can be used for shiny objects by fixing a dull tape on the surface, but the error would be larger.

Commercially Available Types of Thermometers:

• Spot Infrared Thermometer or Infrared Pyrometer, for measurement of temperature at a spot on the object’s body

• Infrared Scanning Systems, for scanning large areas. This functionality is often realized by using a spot thermometer that aims at a rotating mirror, such as piles of material along a conveyor belt, cloth or paper sheets, etc. However, this cannot be termed a thermometer in the true sense.

• Infrared Thermal Imaging Cameras or Infrared Cameras are the ones that generate a thermogram, or an image in two dimensions, by plotting the temperature at many points along a larger surface. The temperatures sensed at various points are converted to pixels, and an image is created. As opposed to the types described above, these are primarily dependent on processor- and software-for functioning. These devices find use in perimeter monitoring by military or security personnel, and monitoring for safety and efficiency.

The ins and outs of Peltier Cells

What Are Peltier Cells and How Do They Work?

If you join two dissimilar metals by two separate junctions, and maintain the two junctions at different temperatures, a small voltage develops between the two metals. Conversely, if a voltage is applied to the two metals, allowing a current to pass through them in a certain direction, their junctions develop a temperature difference. The former is called the Seebeck effect and the latter is the Peltier effect.

Many such dissimilar metal junctions are grouped together to form a Peltier cell. Initially, copper and bismuth were the two dissimilar metals used to form the junctions. However, more efficient semi-conductor materials are used in the modern Peltier cell. These are sandwiched between two ceramic plates and the junctions are encased in silicon.

Just as you could pass electric current through a Peltier cell to make one of its surfaces hot and the other cool, so could you place a Peltier cell in between two surfaces with a temperature difference to generate electricity. In fact, BMW places them around the exhaust of their cars to reclaim some electricity from the temperature difference between the hot gases emanating from the car and the atmosphere.

Another place where Peltier cells are put to use is the picnic basket. It connects to the car battery and has two compartments – one to keep food hot and the other to keep food and drinks cool. Unfortunately, Peltier cells are notoriously inefficient, since all they do is move heat from their cold side to the hot. Part of their efficiency is also dependent on how fast heat is removed from their hot side. Usually, Peltier cells are able to maintain a maximum temperature difference of 40°C between their hot and cold sides.

Active heat sinks use Peltier cells to keep CPUs cool inside heavy-duty computers. These CPUs pack a lot of electronics inside their tiny bodies and generate huge amounts of heat when working at high frequencies of a few Giga-hertz. Peltier cells help to remove the heat from the CPU and keep the temperature constant. One advantage in using Peltier cells for this work is the CPU can regulate the amount of heat removed. The CPU in a computer has temperature sensors inside and when it senses its temperature is going up, it pumps in more current into the Peltier to increase the heat removal.

What does the Peltier do with the heat it has acquired from the hot source? To maintain its functioning, the Peltier has to transfer this heat to the material surrounding its hot surface. Usually, this is an Aluminum or Copper heat sink, which then transfers the heat to the atmosphere.

Active heat sinks that are more exotic use heat-conducting fluids to transfer the heat away from the hot side of the Peltier cell. These are specially formulated fluids with high thermal conductivity running in pipes over the hot surface of the Peltier. As the Peltier gets hot, the fluid takes away the heat and changes to a liquid of a lower density. Convection currents are set up, causing the hot liquid to move away to be replaced by cooler liquid, aiding heat transfer. Heat from the hot liquid is removed in a heat exchanger in a different part of the computer.

Parental Control V-Chip – What is it and how does it work?

Parents are concerned over the type of programs their children watch on the television and would like to exercise their control. They do not want their children watching programs with excessive violence or sexual content. Since it is not possible to be always present when the children are watching TV, it is best to have a device automatically detecting the type of program coming through, and blocking it if it is objectionable.

All television sets made and sold in the US after 1999 have a special electronic chip built in and this is the V-chip. This allows parents to select the level of violent programs, which children can watch in the home. This also means that all TV programs contain a rating transmitted along with the program, which the V-chip can detect.

The FCC defines the ratings as –

TV-Y – Suitable for all children, with no violence and no sexual content
TV-Y7 – Suitable for children aged seven and over
TV-G – Suitable for general audiences, with no violence, no sex and inappropriate language
TV-PG – Parents to exercise their own discretion
TV-14 – Suitable for children above 14 only, with some violence and sex
TV-MA – Suitable for mature audiences only and may contain sexual situations and/or graphic violence

A parent can program the V-chip with a specific rating, and the chip will block all programs or shows above that rating. For example, if you have programmed a V-chip for a TV-G rating, it will allow all programs with a rating of TV-G, TV-Y7 and TV-Y, and will block all the rest.

All television programs transmit synchronizing signals, which allow a proper build-up of the picture on the screen. The electron beam painting the picture on the screen starts to sweep from the top left corner to the right edge of the screen, turns itself off, retraces itself to the left edge and sweeps again to the right edge, moving down a tiny bit in the process, until it has covered the entire height of the screen. The beam then returns from the bottom right hand corner of the screen to the top left hand corner and the whole process repeats. The vertical and horizontal retrace signals transmitted along with the TV program control all this.

As the signal returns from the bottom of the screen to the top, it follows a number of horizontal retrace lines. The twenty-first line of the horizontal retraces has data embedded in it as specified by the XDS standard. This includes captioning information, time of the day, ratings information and many others.

The V-chip is capable of reading this line 21 data, extracts the rating’s information and compares it with the parent’s allowed rating. Accordingly, the chip lets the signal pass through or blocks it.

The V-chip in the television works in conjunction with the cable box and/or the VCR. You can either utilize the V-chip or turn it off.

Is it safe to buy gray market electronic components?

What Are Gray Market Electronic Components – And Are They Safe To Buy?

Chances are the low-cost rechargeable batteries that you ordered over the net failed after one or two cycles of operation. A closer inspection would have revealed the batteries were already past their shelf life when you received them. Welcome to the world of gray market electronic components, which currently forms about 6 to 8% of the total electronic components market, and makes up as much as $60 billion dollars’ worth.

Not only outdated components, even parts rejected (and preferably destroyed) by manufacturers, find their way in the supply chain. It is only after soldering the components and sending them for testing does the realization sinks in that they are not genuine. In the $300 billion semiconductor industry, such bogus components have an annual impact of up to $20 billion.

Apart from this, the gray market is also a known issue for unauthorized sale of new and branded products diverted from the authorized channels of distribution. The gray market not only makes the high-tech companies suffer, it also affects negatively consumers and other end-users of technology, such as the military and the defense. Products advertised as new and authentic could in reality be refurbished after use. They could even be counterfeit. Using counterfeit or non-conforming parts could have significant effects on the performance of the product. In the case of defense and military, these effects could also be catastrophic.

Components Direct recently conducted a study for a leading semiconductor supplier. They found over 90 million units of the products, both analog and digital devices, with over 7,000+ part numbers, were floating in the gray market. Over 80% of the products were in the Asian gray market, and 8% appeared in the EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) and North America. More than 29% of their gray market product had date codes of less than one year, although the product age spanned several years. Nearly 15% of these products had date codes more than 11 years old.

This demonstrates that no end consumer is immune to unauthorized products, irrespective of whether you are a military sub-contractor searching for obsolete components, or an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) looking for new products.

As the chain of supply has numerous potential points of entry, and the ability to trace the path of the product flow remains limited. This makes the gray market problem a prevalent one in most product categories. The multiple points of entry provide unlimited opportunities for unscrupulous individuals, partners or counterfeiters.

The impact of the gray market is significant and long-term. This affects the revenue, cost, brand reputation, liability and risk of the entire chain of supplies. After sales support for the product may be non-existent or it may affect the company’s profitability to maintain support since no one has paid the applicable support. This also affects the end-user operationally and financially, and it may tarnish the manufacturer’s reputation because of the lowered satisfaction of the end-user with the brand

So how do you protect yourself? Look for component suppliers that are stocking distributors. Take to the search engines to see if there are reports of the supplier having supplied bad or counterfeit parts in the past. If you are unsure, buy a sample and have it tested. While there are some scammers out there, there are also many honest and hard-working small businesses that deserve your business.

Do surge protectors save energy?

Most modern electronic gadgets are not meant to be switched off. Rather, they are placed in a state of suspended animation called standby. Gadgets in standby perform some basic background functions until their user recalls them for full functionality. The benefit to the user is an instant response from the unit against having to wait for it to resuscitate.

However, all this comes at a price. Units in standby mode need power, however small, to keep them ticking. For those powered from a battery, need to replace or re-charge their batteries more often. Those drawing power from the utilities’ outlet, consume a tiny amount of power in the standby mode, and if the design of the gadget is not proper, this may amount to energy up to one-tenth of their normal consumption when fully operating. Multiply this with the number of such gadgets all over the house or office, and you will notice the standby consumption forms a substantial chunk of the yearly electricity bill.

People use surge protectors to save their expensive electronic gadgets from going bust with high-voltage surges appearing on the power outlets in homes and offices. These are long strips of connectors allowing plug-in of multiple gadgets. Equipment connected to these strips are saved from the marauding surges because the strip has a device called an MOV inside it followed up with a fuse. The MOV shunts the high-voltage surges and prevents them from reaching the plugged-in equipment.

Apart from the connectors, MOV and fuse, the surge protector strip also has a master switch with which all the gadgets connected to the strip can be switched on or off. Irrespective of the individual gadgets being in full operation or in standby, flipping the master switch to the off position cuts off power to all equipment connected to that strip. This essentially means none of the equipment can draw any more power, not even for their standby operation.

Switching off all equipment from the wall outlet with their individual switches can be a daunting task, especially if there are a number of gadgets connected and the wall outlet switches are difficult to access. After a few days of diligence, people usually give the switching off routine a miss and the equipment remain in a standby mode, consuming their share of energy.

Since surge protectors have a master switch, it is simpler to switch off a number of gadgets at a time, and thereby, cut down on the consumption of standby power. For example, you may have a TV, a few computers, a printer and a few battery chargers hooked up to one surge protector strip. When leaving at the end of the day, switching off individually would be troublesome. However, flipping the master switch on the surge protector strip may not be a big deal.

Therefore, the proactive user is actually saving the energy by remembering to flip the switch on the surge protector strip. If the user forgets to flip the switch, the surge protector strip does not save any energy.

Protection with Surge Protectors – Why and How

If you have once had your TV, audio system and other electronic equipment destroyed by a voltage surge during a thunderstorm, you will surely know how to prevent this from happening once again. For preventing such drastic accidents, it is common to use a device called the surge protector, and to have the maximum protection, it is important to know why it is required and how it works.

Most people know of a surge protector as a long strip of electrical power connectors, which power sensitive electronic gadgets. However, two components inside the strip provide the actual protection. One of them is the Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV), and the other is the familiar fuse. The combination of an MOV and the fuse protects your electronic gadgets by limiting the voltage delivered.

Normally, all households and offices experience power surges many times during the day, including at night. The surges are generated when nearby appliances are switched on or off. Appliances such as microwave ovens, air conditioners, refrigerators and pumps switch on and switch off periodically. When they switch, they create a disturbance in the electrical supply lines, causing either a voltage dip or a voltage spike, or both. Since all electronic gadgets have a limit to the level of voltage they can withstand, any spike over and above the limit will have a damaging effect.

A thunderstorm is another factor generating a power surge. Even if lightning does not strike a home directly, it is enough if it hits a power line nearby. The power lines feeding a home can carry this surge in and can cause massive damages. Using a surge protector largely prevents all this.

The MOV inside a surge protector has a special property. As long as the voltage across it does not cross its specified limit, the MOV remains a passive device, with a very high resistance. When a surge arrives, and is above the voltage limit, the MOV lowers its resistance immediately. This causes a massive current to flow through the MOV. The increased current also flows through a fuse, which precedes the MOV, causing the fuse to blow and cutting off any further supply to the MOV and any connected gadget. In the absence of a fuse, or the fuse not blowing because of improper rating, the MOV may burn out allowing further spikes to be passed on to the gadget.

An MOV has a specific voltage rating and the spike expected at the point of use defines the rating selected. The telephone industry uses a special type of surge protection, known as Gas Discharge Tube or GDT, at specific points where the telephone lines enter a building. A GDT operates at a much higher voltage as compared to an MOV, and offers protection from higher voltage surges.

For working satisfactorily, an MOV and a GDT both need a good electrical earthing and a proper earth-wire connection.