Category Archives: Solar Panels

Grounding Wire in Your Solar Energy System

As they become increasingly popular among both homeowners and businesses, solar energy systems are helping to create a world full with the possibilities of clean, renewable energy.

The efficiency, affordability, and environmentally friendliness of solar panels and accessories are a far cry from the costly, wasteful, and polluting methods of power generation traditionally used to secure energy for the booming population around the world. But this innovative technology is not without its perils, the foremost of which is the danger of electrical shock and related fires. This serious risk is easily mitigated by the practice of grounding a solar energy system. It’s easy, fast, and inexpensive, and in many places, including the United States, it’s required by NEC laws for most systems and applications.

To “ground” a given electrical system means that it is connected to the earth, which provides a shield between the power conductors and a person or separate object. The practice of grounding solar energy systems is important for a variety of reasons. Most modern systems are installed on rooftops and other similarly elevated spaces to achieve maximum sunlight exposure. While this positioning is optimal for efficient solar panel usage, it also exposes systems to electric wiring, antennae and satellite equipment, and telephone and cable systems which can be prone to breakage and hanging, especially in areas that experience turbulent weather. The common positioning also exposes systems to objects such as tree limbs and debris.

These objects, if brought into contact with a non-grounded solar energy system, can contribute to shortages and create a fire risk too dangerous to ignore. In addition to these accidents, non-grounded systems can cause electric shock when touched by humans and animals, especially those systems which carry a high voltage or are in their veteran years of use.

The process of grounding a solar energy system is a basic one; a “ground” or rod is driven into the earth, preferably at a depth of at least a foot or two, and a proper grounding wire is tied to it. This wire is then attached to the solar energy system, completing the barrier. It is important to note that the grounding set ups of AC and DC systems must absolutely be kept separate, and that excess grounding wire can become a hazard all its own.

With the proper length grounding wire, a simple rod, and a careful attention to detail, you can render your solar panel system both safe and reliable while complying with important regulations.

The post above is offered as an opinion. If you are installing a solar energy system, please consult an expert for exact instructions to protect yourself and your property. West Florida Components accepts no liability for you, your property or your solar system.

New Uses for Solar Energy: Solar Powered Gadgets

A few decades ago, you might have noticed solar panels when driving through rural areas on a radio tower, or perhaps you’d seen them in use at a scientific research facility or on images of the international space station.

These days, it seems like solar panels are popping up everywhere, with many modern homeowners opting to trade in their expensive and inefficient electricity bills for clean, environmentally conscientious solar energy that requires virtually no maintenance and significantly cuts costs over time. From backyard barbeques to complete electric power replacement, modern homes — and offices for that matter — are quickly adapting to the modern solar power trend.

But it’s not just homes that are benefiting from the energy-producing rays of the sun. There is a wide variety of solar gadgets emerging on the modern market, from the ingenious to the entertaining.

There are a great number of portable devices that both businesspeople and vacationers alike depend on for work, play, and communication, the foremost of which is perhaps the laptop. Most laptop owners are familiar with a common frustration associated with their use; while the laptop is certainly portable, it only functions a short while away from its electric energy source. Solar power comes into play for laptop owners with newly-developed laptop battery chargers; imagine getting extra hours of computation, correspondence, or even game playing out of your machine by harnessing the natural energy of the sun.

For those who like to listen to their music out of doors, many audio equipment companies now offer solar-powered headsets, which can provide excellent quality radio, cd, or mp3 tunes without the expense or hassle of batteries; these inventive devices give ‘fun in the sun’ a whole new meaning.

In the garden, solar panels are a great way to provide illumination at night; solar “spotlights” or path lights can be placed throughout the natural landscape without the need for a clutter of wires and cables, and can give your garden a gorgeous night view or help guide your way from the garage once the sun’s gone down.

The increasingly popular use of amphorous solar cells, which are flexible unlike conventional models, are resulting in an array of important applications such as camping gear (some tents feature solar-paneled surfaces), clothing, and more.

With applications from the small and amusing to the truly immense, solar panels are proving an important element of modern energy production. Make this clean and cost-efficient power source a part of your life, and find a solar gadget to delight you and deliver you from electric dependency.

Solar Energy Basics

How Solar Energy Works

Solar energy is a relatively new field of study in terms of practical application, but its existence and effect on our planet is as old as the Earth itself.

The sun undergoes a never-ending series of light and heat producing reactions, comprising and sustaining its fiery mass while radiating these products outward. While some of this radiation is reflected back into space by the upper reaches of our atmosphere, a significant portion passes through and touches the Earth’s surface, powering a variety of natural processes important for the proper balance and functioning of the environment.

But solar energy can be harnessed by humans to power a wide variety of domestic, agricultural, and industrial applications, and is a rapidly-growing technology sector. The importance of moving towards clean, sustainable energy sources is paramount in the modern era, and solar energy provides the most promising and cost-effective solution for many uses.

Solar energy is employed in a number of ways, and can be used in a passive or active scheme, depending on design and desired output. Passive applications for solar energy include conscientious building construction in terms of alignment with the sun for heating and cooling purposes, as well as various greenhouse and farming technologies which allow solar heat to work with maximum efficacy and efficiency. Active uses for solar energy are most often materialized in the form of solar panels, which are accessible conversion tools useful for both large corporations and projects and individual consumers and homeowners.

Solar panels consist of a number of photovoltaic cells, which absorb solar energy and convert it to electric energy for practical use, storing the energy in a battery bank. The special photovoltaic cells contain electric contacts, which generate useful energy with electrons “grabbed” by the cells’ electric fields. These electrons are available to the cells once photons in direct sunlight come into contact with the surface of the panels, and are the key to creating clean, sustainable energy for the home and beyond.

As you might guess, the specific quality of the photovoltaic cells themselves as well as the number of cells laid over the surface of a solar panel help determine the overall efficacy and output of the panel. Factors including shading obstructions, weather patterns, and proper placement all have an impact on the production potential of a given panel and its set of photovoltaic cells.

Though the applications of solar energy vary, the common threads of efficiency and renewable sources render solar power an intelligent and effective way to power human lives without harming the environment.

Solar Energy Systems – Are They Right For You?

Solar energy systems, once reserved for massive industrial and agricultural operations, have seen dramatic developments in efficacy and accessibility over the past few years, allowing business owners, building planners, and homeowners to incorporate these important pieces of green technology into their everyday lives.

Far from being a second-best energy option or merely comprising a fashionable way to power a space, solar energy systems present excellent solutions for entrepreneurs and consumers alike, and are great for the environment, too. But what are the main benefits of these systems, and why are people so excited about this rapidly evolving technology? The answers lie in the ability of solar energy systems to provide efficient power use at an affordable price, resulting in a better environment in our lifetime and for future generations.

Solar Power Controller

Solar Power Controller

As the mainstay of modern solar energy systems, solar panels have become a hot topic amidst the green community. These panels operate by collecting light radiation from the sun and converting it to electric energy, which we can in turn use for a variety of applications. But while many traditional means of acquiring electric power, including coal, water, and nuclear systems, create a significant amount of waste product during processing, and often absorb resources that could readily be used for other applications, solar energy systems with the use of solar panels are entirely efficient, wasting no materials while creating sufficient stores of energy.

But though a smoothly-operating system with great output and a lack of waste may seem to warrant high costs, solar energy systems are actually a very cost-effective way to power homes, buildings, and beyond.

A relatively simple set up consists of components that are easily affordable for both business and home owners. Many users who set up solar energy systems including solar panels find their initial investments recouped with remarkable speed, thanks to the alleviation of costly electric bills and related expenditures. Imagine saying “goodbye” to your monthly electric utility statement and never being shocked by a hiked rate again. It’s an ideal achieved by many through the installation of solar energy systems. And this advantage of price extends to the Earth itself, as well.

Our planet is ruthlessly taxed of its natural resources, providing modern civilization with a host of necessities and luxuries at a rapidly accelerating pace. In the quest to find and implement clean, sustainable sources of energy, solar panels and related technologies are leading the fight against the depletion of Earth’s bounty, and can deliver the promise of a green and healthy planet for people today, tomorrow, and into the next centuries.

Solar Energy is Hot!

Solar radiation, as well as other solar resources like wind power, wave power and hydroelectricity make up over 99% of the renewable energy sources available to us. Amazing!

I remember reading about google’s goal of installing enough solar panels to generate electricity for 50,000 homes. They have made a real commitment to investing in renewable energy resources.

Imagine if we each made JUST ONE home appliance solar powered? We can start small – like a solar powered I-Pod charger or some solar powered outdoor lights. How about a solar powered cell phone charger? Once you realize how easy it is to begin using solar power, you’ll be ready to convert some of your bigger energy drains… maybe a hot water heater?

People are motivated to convert to solar power for a variety of reasons. Some look at the financial benefits while others are more concerned about the earth.

We all have been hit hard this year with rising fuel costs. My cars cost more to fill up, my home cost even more to cool down, and I just got a huge bill from my propane company. The only fuel source that cost the same this year as last is my solar bill. It’s still ZERO!

Although I personally got involved with solar energy for financial reasons, my focus has changed over time. I am glad to be doing just a little bit to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

If you’re ready to take the plunge, take a look at our solar panels and solar controllers. Remember to take your time, do your homework, then be prepared to reap the benefits of solar power for years to come.