Category Archives: Guides

How to wipe a hard drive clean

If you are donating, disposing of or selling anything that contains a hard drive, chances are that drive should be wiped clean before it leaves your hands. Even if the hard drive has failed, special equipment can read a hard drive which could expose your private and confidential information to the next owner.

So what should you do before your dispose of your equipment with a hard drive? There are several methods that are recommended by the experts. Here is an explanation of two of them:

1 – Destruction:
According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88, “Destruction of media is the ultimate form of sanitization.” Some methods to destroy a hard drive include pulverization, incineration, melting, and shredding however it should be noted that it is recommended that you never burn a hard drive, put a hard drive in a microwave, or pour acid on it in an effort to destroy it. Those methods should be avoided. What IS recommended is that you drive a nail through the hard drive, being sure to pierce the hard drive platter. This can be accomplished with a hammer and nails or even a drill. If you use this method to destroy the hard drive, drive several nails through or drill through it several times. Another method is to remove the hard drive platter and sand it to erase the data.

Destroying the hard drive ensures that you or anyone else will never be able to use the hard drive again. Should you want someone to be able to use the hard drive again, you might consider another option which is data destruction software.

2 – Data Destruction Software:

Sometimes called hard drive eraser software or disk wipe software, data destruction software is a way to remove your personal data off of a drive without permanently destroying the drive. While not a fool proof method (user error comes into play here), it is the easiest way to wipe a drive clean. Data destruction software overwrites a hard drive in a particular way to make extracting data from it very difficult, if not impossible. Most computer users should be able to safely wipe their hard drive clean using this type of software.

There are other methods available however they are generally expensive. Either of the two methods outlined above should suffice for the average computer user that would just like to wipe a drive clean before disposing of it.

Solder Sucker for Desoldering – New product alert!

Solder Sucker

Solder Sucker

We’re always adding new electronic components, parts and supplies to our inventory. This week, one of our new products is a solder sucker, which is a ‘must have’ for anyone that works with electronics and solder.

Crafted in Germany by Amax, this solder sucker is a pump style solder remover. Use it on heated solder to remove the solder from your boards and components. It comes in the original manufacturer’s packaging with instructions for the use and care of your solder sucker.

Here are some basic desoldering instructions:
1. Heat your soldering iron. Push down on the plunger until it clicks to arm the soldering iron.
2. Clean your soldering tip. Place the soldering tip on the side of the old joint. Apply some fresh solder on the old joint to help the old solder soften.
3. Set the plunger on the solder sucker. Place the tip of the solder sucker on the old joint as close as possible to the soldering tip.
4. Release the plunger by pressing the button.
5. Repeat until much of the old solder is gone.
6. If any of the old solder is left in PCB holes, you can heat the old joint again and using the soldering tip on one side and a miniature flat screwdriver on the other, gently rock the joint back and forth lightly to loosen up the tiny leads on the components.
7. You may need to repeat this process again when there is a stubborn joint.
9. Remove your component carefully; taking care to not damage the board.

Wire Bending Radius Guide

At West Florida Components, we get asked very often about wire bending radius. It is important to have guidelines when working with wire or cable in your projects, particularly projects that involve curves, ductwork and buildings. There are a few rules of thumb that come into play when you think about the bending radius of wire and cable. Following these rules will ensure that your wire and cable projects go off without a hitch!

Here is a chart to use:

Solar Energy – a beginner’s look

Solar energy is an exciting field for both scientific study and home and office use, representing the modern drive to find clean, sustainable ways to power everyday life while protecting the planet for generations to come. Solar energy is created by the sun, which plays host to constant explosions of heat and energy. This energy radiates light that eventually reaches Earth, where water, land, and the clouds in the atmosphere absorb a portion.

This light manifests as heat and helps to regulate the planet’s water cycles, including rainfall. Solar energy is converted into food for trees and plants via photosynthesis, and in turn provides the Earth with oxygen and the natural materials necessary for human habitation.

With the many intrinsic and ancient benefits of solar energy we’ve enjoyed over the centuries, it is perhaps unsurprising that modern man has taken it upon himself to truly harness the potential of this natural power source. Solar power is fast becoming a popular way for businesses and homeowners to cut down on energy costs while making a commitment to the health of the environment.

Solar power itself can take many forms, operating for instance through the means of solar panels, which convert radiation from the sun to practical electric energy suitable for a variety of uses, and can store this energy in batteries.

Other common applications for solar power include pumps, switches, and fans for various industrial purposes, greenhouse and other thermal agricultural uses, and special technologies employed in space, such as those used to operate satellites.

Taking advantage of natural solar energy is not only an efficient way to power machines, houses, and more, but is cost-effective as well. Many entrepreneurs and environmentally savvy homeowners find that using solar power greatly diminishes their average monthly electricity expenditures, adding a welcome benefit to the clean and green energy source.

As oil prices fluctuate, and we become more aware of our impact on the global ecosystem, it is becoming imperative that we search for and use renewable sources of energy, and seek to live in a sustainable fashion, so that future generations can enjoy a happy and healthy planet. The use of solar energy through solar power panels and other technologies is an important step in reducing your overall energy footprint, and can give you — and your wallet — a sincere sense of peace and well being.

Solar energy can help sell your home

Anyone who is trying to sell a house knows that some improvements like adding a new bathroom or a complete kitchen renovation may increase the value of a home however most people might not consider that an investment in solar panels or other renewable energy sources may be another positive investment in their home.

According to a study that was recently published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), solar photovoltaic (PV) panels added on average between 3 percent and 4 percent to the value of a home. This study, which examined homes in California, suggests that homeowners might fully recover their costs of purchasing and installing solar panels when they sell their home. Since solar panels require very little maintenance and are becoming increasingly more affordable to buy and install, this is another way to increase the resale value and marketability of your home. Some of the most common installations in homes are for water heaters, pool heaters and outdoor lighting. As the technology improves and the cost of solar panels continues to drop, more and more homeowners (and potential buyers!) will be looking for solar energy systems for their homes.

Wired or wireless or both: What is best for small businesses?

Whether you are updating your office’s networking component needs or starting from scratch, there are many things to think about when you are considering wired vs wireless. For starters, ask yourself:

  • How many people are on your network? How about in 2 years?
  • How long will this system be in place? (any moves planned within 2 years?)
  • How fast does the network/internet access need to be right now? How about in 2 years?
  • What kind of files have to be moved across your network right now? How about in 2 years?
  • How fast does this need to be done?
  • Is this a temporary or permanent solution?
  • What is your budget?

Wiring a space can be cost prohibitive – especially if this space is temporary, but if the budget is unlimited, then hard wiring could be the way to go for speed and security. Very often a combination of both wired and wireless are the best solution.


Book for electronics beginners

If you are new to electronics and want a good book to learn about circuits and electronic components, then I recommend that you check out this book:

Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest M Mims III

I’ve had my copy so long that it is almost time to replace it but even though it is an old, worn out copy, the information is still as good today as it was 15 years ago when I got my book. Of course, there are some things that won’t be found in here, but for the beginner, you can’t go wrong with this book.

The chapters are logically laid out and easy to read and each chapter builds on the previous lessons. I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn about electronics – from child to adult.

Introduction to electronics

Introduction to electronics

How to Jailbreak an iPad

Jailbreaking an iPad

If you have an iPad, you may be intrigued by the thought of jailbreaking it.

Jailbreaking a device permits you to install and use third party applications and utility programs. In the case of a jailbroken iPad, you would be able to then run apps like Adobe Flash which is not available through the Apple OS, or access files like you can on a PC. One app that caught my eye was the multitasking app which would allow you to run multiple programs without having to save/close them. Another great app called Wi-Fi Sync gives you the flexibility to sync your iPad with Wi-Fi – no plugged in USB required.

Of course, jailbreaking the iPad is not without risk (the number one concern would be warranty) but has put together the definitive guide to jailbreaking your iPad. In fact, PCWorld’s guide is so complete, it even gives you instructions on how to revert back should you get cold feet (or have to go back).

Once you’ve hacked your iPad, be sure to avoid the iPad updates from Apple since your device can be reverted to the non-jailbroken state. Should that happen, you can jailbreak your iPad again after the update is installed.

PCWorld – How to Jailbreak an iPad

Make an inexpensive & simple UV LED Torch

UV LEDFrom our friends at instructables comes an easy project for use with UV LEDS.

To make this simple project, here’s what you’ll need:
2 Ultra Violet LEDS
1 1/4W resistors (the value of the resistor needs to be calculated based on the forward voltage of the LED you use)
1 non-working 9V battery (or a 9V battery clip)
1 new 9V battery
Soldering equipment

The full instructions on the Instructables site will show you how to put everything together. Once assembled, the light snaps on to a working 9V battery to function.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to use UV LEDS for this project – you can use any color. Just adjust the resistor required based on the forward voltage and forward current of the LEDS you choose.

Buying LEDS without specs or you don’t remember the specs of the ones you have sitting around? Assume a max of 2.8V – 3V and 20mA. I would think high intensity white LEDS would work really well for this project.

I haven’t put this one together myself yet, but I think a few of these are coming with me on my next camping trip. Nice way to light up the tent and the ‘facilities’ late at night. Fun project – and you probably already have everything you need right on hand.

Rubber Feet : features and applications

Rubber feet have many different features and applications for the home, the workshop or in the manufacturing process. Here are some common features of the rubber bumpers that West Florida Components has on hand:

  • low abrasion
  • superb skid resistance
  • easy to apply – just peel and stick
  • does not stain or mar
  • can absorb shocks and vibrations
  • crack resistant
  • is recognized by UL

You can use adhesive rubber feet in many different applications. Some of the most common are:

Sound dampening and spacers for cabinet doors, drawers and lids

For those purposes, these are some of the suggested self-adhesive rubber bumpers to use:

Medium clear cylindrical (round) rubber feet

Small clear cylindrical rubber feet

Medium black hemispherical rubber feet

Small black hemispherical rubber feet

Small clear hemispherical rubber feet

As feet on the bottom of household appliances, office equipment, telephones, scales, clocks, speakers, computers, and other devices

Medium black cylindrical (round) rubber feet

Medium clear hemispherical rubber feet

Large black hemispherical rubber feet

Medium clear square rubber feet

For the back of picture frames and hung mirrors

Medium clear square rubber feet

Medium black square rubber feet

Large black square rubber feet